Many of us may recall reciting the famous song as young children by Doris Day and Frank De Vol that goes like this:
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?
Here’s what she said to me
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

Of the many things we all would like to be, being rich is definitely one the the most common goals we have. 7 out of 9 autocomplete suggestions for “Top 10 Ways” on Google are about how to make more money! And why not, as Mark Cuban says, being rich is a good thing.
Unfortunately, while most of us strive to be rich, not as many of us understand the number one hindrance in becoming rich is our mindset that money is difficult to get. It isn’t. This mindset only keeps us trapped in the rat race. We start looking at secure places to make money (jobs), entrusting other people to grow our money (stock market, savings plan), all the while being fearful and never living to our full potential.
Although there is nothing wrong with having a security net, the possibility of making it big is always going to be restricted with this approach. And if you’re looking, an easy and effective way to break free from this psyche is to understand that your best investment is you. Not your job, not your savings, but you.
And what does investing in oneself mean? There are many answers to this question, but I would say it is to become enterprising. To learn and develop the ability to seek new ways of doing things. To grow out of your box. To be able to live unencumbered. And this is what we look forward to achieving in Greenmor. Creating a new generation of entrepreneurs who will create new set of rules for the market. The riches will follow.
Niyati Sethia
Co-Founder, Greenmor